We took the jungle boat ride with our strange american, Joe, and with the Lovely English Radio couple Greg and Elise. We shared plenty of coincidences (Joe and Jamie have both been disappointed by the Dunlop Crybaby wah Hendrix model which doesn´t quite have that top end clickety click, and Greg, Elise and Jamie also have many years in commercial radio behind them. Greg and Elise had also been driving around California for three weeks and been in Whistler before that. For every Grand Canyon we had, they had a Coachella Festival...). The surprises didn´t end there. Joe was just 9 days out of Iraq having served for eight years as a marine. Articulate, razer-sharp, generous and funny, Joe seems to know about every item on every menu from Alaska to Zimbabwe. He has survived the sting of a giant jellyfish in Oz, took a wild dingo home and had it on base in Iraq and is not very good at pool. And we have basically adopted him. Even though he is not here now we usually have a place for him at dinner!
On the jungle boat we saw small crocs, lizards, vulchers, turtles and got close to big crocs at a croc farm and better than that, we made friends. We are sure we will get Joe to Finland at some point. And chances are we see them all again at some point as we travel south.
Cooking up breakfast in San Blas
On the jungle boat
The San Blas social club, featuring the shy and retiring Nico (centre), who is wreaking havoc across Central America
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