Unfortunately Anna really didn´t get to enjoy it so much as she was ill with some kind of stomach infection and maybe flu. While she was laid up I was able to take full advantage of the facilities, and enjoy the company of some of the lovely people we met there. The food was also ace. I will never forget the
Back at the palacial hostel someone had made a couple of mistakes. Firstly putting a table tennis table in the bar; and then allowing someone wearing an Arsenal shirt to play on it. This was like a red rag to me, and even given alcohol intake and low light, I set about dispatching a series of dirty Gooners. Secondly the owners arranged a pool tournament. After faltering through the early rounds I met the rather affable Charles in the final. He was on his way from Alaska to Antarctica, driving a Nissan Patrol, and was taking along all kinds strangers on the way. he very kindly offered to drive us into Peru and to see some otherwise less-travlled areas - we would have loved to take him up but our new (and daft schedule) meant that we had to decline that adventure. Back to the action; I reached the black but... just as I was lining up the stroke... on the random juke box comes... Bruce Springsteen´s The River. Regular fans of this column will know that last year at about this time, with the help of an old recording of my father´s voice, I performed (well stumbled through) this at my father´s wake. The song is not without emotional significance for me. So I crumbled. At the last hurdle... on the black... I faltered and missed. Smooth Charles however couldn´t finish so, in tears, I stepped back up and finshed off - trying to ramble to him about how I wasn´t just emotional at being hostel pool champion. The prize (of cooking rum) was duly shared amongst the gathered hoard of Gooners and Irish (if there is a hostel bar you can guarantee our cousins fro the sceptred isle will have sniffed it out).
In Vilcabamba I face one last test. The hostel had been designed, built and was run by Germans. The food was ace. And they had bred a champion. A ping pong champion. He appeared in the Deutschland world cup footy top - the one with three stars - for each of their spawny victories. If anything was going to incite me to a higher level of ping-consciousness this was it. 40 years of hurt. Jules Rimet´s still gleaming. It was close. And I had the shallow end. But I ended victorious over 3 sets. In the diming light. With the moths circling and the sweat pooling. There can be only one. Ask what you can do for your country... etc. etc.
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